Canon 045 Cyan Toner Cartridge

Canon 045 Cyan Toner Cartridge
الشركة: كانون
السعر القديم: 65٫00 JOD
60٫00 JOD
الرجاء تحديد العنوان الذي تريد شحنه إلى
شحن إلى
طريقة الشحن
إسم البائع
تاريخ الوصول المتوقع
لا توجد خيارات شحن
  • Yields 1,300 pages.
  • Canon has poured all the Know How of its extraordinary history of developing innovative office machines into each of its copiers, printers, and networked office systems. The same superiority of design and manufacture goes into all of the Canon-branded consumable imaging supplies and parts for this equipment.
  • Using genuine Canon parts and supplies is your best insurance against equipment damage, and possibly voiding your equipment warranty.
  • Recycling solution - designed to encourage recycling, helping you divert materials from landfill.
  • Single Cartridge System for easy replacement
  • Guaranteed compatibility with:

    • i-SENSYS LBP611Cn
    • i-SENSYS LBP613Cdw
    • i-SENSYS MF631Cn
    • i-SENSYS MF633Cdw
    • i-SENSYS MF635Cx
علامات المنتج
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